We’ve just had our first holiday abroad as a family. And it’s time to share my experiences with you. In addition to some practical tips for your own traveling experiences.
You can view all travel-related posts on this page.
6 Top Tips for Booking a UK Holiday Break
We are in the process of booking our second UK holiday of the year. And I thought I would talk…
Why Taking Family on Holiday With You Is an Amazing Idea
Even in the UK, it literally takes a village to care for a toddler. I find it is much easier…
Tackling the Airport With a Toddler
We all know the summer holidays are a busy period for holidays and queues at the airport can be lengthy.…
How to Keep a Toddler Entertained on a Long Flight
As this is something we will need to deal with eventually, it’s on my radar. There isn’t just me and…
My Ultimate Travel Bucket List For The Future
I was recently out with a friend and the most exciting part of our conversation was planning where we want…
You can check out all posts in the Working Mum Mini-Series. Various topics, from writing your CV, to balancing work and mum life
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