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Home » Blog » We Have A Pro Skateboarding Champion In The Making

We Have A Pro Skateboarding Champion In The Making

AD – When you have a toddler, you are constantly looking for outdoor activities to occupy their time. It seems like whatever you do, you simply cannot tire them out. We have a very outdoorsy child and she is always looking for her next adventure. 

Following the discovery of a unique skateboarding toddler on TikTok, she now has a fascination with this hobby. And who are we to dampen her spirits for her next adventure? 

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pro skateboarding champion

Check out the videos of her in action

My toddler has taken to the skateboard like a pro. I think she must have been a skater in a previous life or something. Check out all the skateboards available here

In true blogger fashion, you know I loved creating content showing just how happy she is with her new board. As a parent, you are proud of these moments because it is wonderful to see their progress when they start a new adventure. And the pure joy and sense of achievement is something no amount of money can buy. Not to mention, the treasured family moments we can share whilst she pursues her new activity.

Benefits of skateboarding

This is the time in toddler development when her brain is a sponge. And learning new activities will instil lots of other lessons. Whilst I want her to have endless amounts of fun and play in whatever way she feels she wants to, I also hope some other benefits will come from this new hobby, including:


We don’t have a very patient toddler. She is constantly asking us why things are taking so long. And one of the main lessons we are trying to instil in her is some level of patience. Skateboarding requires an immense amount of patience. Falling countless times, also ensures you will learn some level of resilience and motivation to get back up again and keep trying.

Stress Relief

Skateboarding is an avenue to relieve stress or frustration. Just like other forms of exercise, it’s great for the body and mind. Getting out in nature and working our bodies does wonders for us as human beings.


When skateboarding, you need to adjust your movements to ensure you skate accurately. Skateboarding improves coordination. It’s great to see that she is already getting used to the balance, by sitting on it and holding onto the sofa when she stands to practice.

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Perfecting tricks is an ultimate goal of hers. But first, she must learn to spread weight and perfect the smaller movements.

Quick reactions

It all began with a scooter, on a family holiday, which meant she ended up mostly riding an adult scooter, instead of her toddler one. And she was actually really great with balance and her reactions when stopping. Ultimately, when stopping quickly, you need to have quick reflexes to brace yourself or prevent a collision from happening.

Pain Tolerance

A sport which includes constantly falling, tripping, and cutting your knees and elbows, is great for building up a tolerance to accidents. Let’s face it, all toddlers are set to face a lot of future mishaps. It’s all part of learning how to be a kid!

A new activity for mummy & daddy

Mummy and Daddy also need to get out of the house and be active. This pro badminton set will be perfect for getting us moving. And for our caravan holiday. I honestly can’t wait to have some fun, start moving my body and partake in a fun exercise routine. This would also make a great gift for mother’s Day. 

Until next time

I hope you enjoyed reading about our latest family adventures. Have you tried skateboarding? Is it a hobby you would like to learn? I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

pro skateboarding champion


    • March 2, 2023 / 1:19 PM

      Such a cool hobby! I will be updating social media with the progress as we go along 🙂

  1. February 27, 2023 / 11:35 AM

    Pain tolerance! I hadn’t thought of that as a benefit! Kidding aside, your daughter is adorable. It is lovely that you’ve found a physical activity and great hobby for her all in one. Thanks!

    • March 2, 2023 / 1:19 PM

      Thank you – she can be very adorable. And is mostly a good girl. She absolutely loves the board. She is zooming up and down on it as I reply. Still on her bum, but she will get there.

  2. March 1, 2023 / 3:07 PM

    Wow — this is so cool and I can see how beneficial learning to skateboard is for young children. I hope your toddler continues to have fun learning all these great skills!

    • March 2, 2023 / 1:18 PM

      It’s definitely beneficial, but I am not looking forward to all the bumps & scrapes!

    • June 11, 2023 / 7:26 PM

      Thank you. I also love watching skaters, but I don’t have that skill myself.

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